We are Authentically Urban, we plan on doing fashion, DIY, beauty and nail designs. If you have ay suggestions on posts we should do, please leave them in the comments.
-Hannah & Sydney

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

last chance for coupon redemption!!!

Hi guys!
    I just wanted to remind all of you that today and tomorrow are the last days to redeem our coupon at kkcenterhk.  Also as always we want to apologize for the long absence.  We've begun to plan a series of posts that could be starting up either this weekend or next.  If you have any ideas for us we LOVE suggestions!!! You can contact us in many ways:

-Comment below
-Follow us on twitter or instagram @prettypolishinc
-like our Facebook page at facebook.com/prettypolishinc
-email us at prettypolishinc@gmail.com

Coupon information:
coupon code : prettypolishinc
Coupon Amount : 10% Off
coupon code of End Date: 31st,Jan.,2013

Thanks again guys!
         -Hannah <3 

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