We are Authentically Urban, we plan on doing fashion, DIY, beauty and nail designs. If you have ay suggestions on posts we should do, please leave them in the comments.
-Hannah & Sydney

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fall Geometric Nails

       Hey girls, I've been wanting to do another nail design to keep everyone in mind that we are still doing nail designs. Please keep in mind that my black striper is almost completely dried out and the brush is all messed up also but I did my best, enjoy!                                                                                                       -Sydney


 To start off, I just painted the three of my fingers, along with half of my thumb 'Don't pretzel my buttons' by OPI. I then painted the other half of my thumb nail and my middle finger 'Hot and spicy' by OPI.

 Thumb: I made a line between the two colors with my black striper.
Middle: I tapped it off so I could easily paint a triangle with my nude color.
Ring: I used my striper to section off my nail down the middle
Pinky: I again taped my nail off so I could make a triangle with my orange color then I messily put blue inside it and lined the blue with my black striper


 And here's the final product! 
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