We are Authentically Urban, we plan on doing fashion, DIY, beauty and nail designs. If you have ay suggestions on posts we should do, please leave them in the comments.
-Hannah & Sydney

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

4th of July

      Happy 4th of July!!! I'm finally getting around to do a tutorial by myself!!! I'm a baby bird leaving the nest!!! Anyway I just kind of threw this together and it's sort of similar to our memorial day nails, but who cares, hopefully Santa wont notice;)
    -Base and top coat (I used OPI, natural nail strengthener and Seche Vite fast dry top coat)
    -Red polish (I used Sephora by OPI, "And a Cherry on Top")
    -Red and white striper (I used Orly instant artist in "Fiery Red" and a white Stripe Rite)
    -White shatter (OPI)
    -Blue polish (I used a nameless Sally Girl color)
    -Silver glittery polish (I used China Glaze, "Techno")

1. As always, apply a base coat so your nails don't turn yellow and so your beautiful nail stays on longer!

2. Paint three of your nails with the blue and one with the red (I started out painting the thumb a different color but I decided to do something else so I just painted it the same blue that's on the other nails)

3. Messily paint the one nail that you haven't touched yet with the blue and red (it doesn't have to be perfect, you'll put shatter on it later)

4. On the pointer finger, apply the glitter polish over the blue (it's suppose to resemble the stars in the flag)
5. Over the red on your middle finger, paint vertical striped with your white striper.
6. On your ring finger, paint red and white stripes over the blue and leave a little rectangle in the upper corner. Over the blue rectangle apply your glitter polish. (if you have a blue striper I would recommend just painting the blue on in the corner rather than painting the whole nail blue then painting over but either works!)

7. For the thumb, paint different sized, random squiggle lines with the red and white striper leaving parts of the blue showing!

8. Complete with your top coat and have a great 4th of July!

     Artist- Sydney
     Model- Sydney:)