We are Authentically Urban, we plan on doing fashion, DIY, beauty and nail designs. If you have ay suggestions on posts we should do, please leave them in the comments.
-Hannah & Sydney

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Adding on to Sydney's tips for people with short nails

One of the biggest tips I can give to people with short nails trying to grow them out is: DO NOT POLISH YOUR NAILS until they reach the desired length.  Acetone is Super damaging to your nails!!! I know how hard it is to get that brand new color that is just gorgeous...but DON'T PAINT YOUR NAILS!!! (Of course unless your just growing them out.  If you REALLY want strong long nails don't polish them but if you're just growing them out don't worry about it :)

-Once your nails are at your desired length try to use non-acetone polish remover.  It has slightly less damaging chemicals.

-Make sure you get all of your vitamins!!! Here is a list I found of essential vitamins that promote strong and long nails  :)

    -Vitamin C:  Grows and repairs tissues in your body. (obviously including your nails)
    -Zinc: Protects cells from damage
    -Vitamin B 12: Maintains red blood and skin cells (which helps cuticles)
    -Calcium: Maintains healthy bones and nails, also adds strength
    -Vitamin A: Maintains healthy skin cells
    -Biotin: Regenerates cells (this is also going to prevent wrinkles  ;)
    -Folic Acid: Helps the body make new cells.

*Note: All of these also help promote hair growth since hair and nails are made of the same type of cells.

-I just started taking "Vitafusion: MultiVites" Complete multivitamins.  These cover all of the listed (plus a few more just for health all over the body) minus zinc (which can be found in: High protein foods, seafood, dairy, and raw dark chocolate.) and calcium (which can be found in: Most Dairy products, fish and meat, also most baked goods contain high levels of calcium) these vitamins are gummy vitamins for adults and I got mine at target.  I'm just starting to try vitamins as i just cut my nails and am trying to grow them back out.  But I'm not heeding my own warning and I am going to continue painting my nails because i feel they are pretty healthy right now and I want to continue giving you tutorials :)

-Try to remember to moisturize your hands I use a cuticle cream.  You can also get cuticle cream, oil, and sticks which you also use to push you cuticles back.

-Don't cut your cuticles unless you have the correct tools and really know how.  You can get cuticle remover,  but Sydney and i just try to moisturize and push them back.
                                                                                          -Hannah  <3

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