We are Authentically Urban, we plan on doing fashion, DIY, beauty and nail designs. If you have ay suggestions on posts we should do, please leave them in the comments.
-Hannah & Sydney

Monday, July 30, 2012

Unicorn nails!!!...complete with glitter puke!!!

It's been a while but we are finally doing a post together!!! and of course we had to do something as epic as UNICORNS!!!!!  :)  There are quite a few steps so lets get right into it!!!

(A thin brush will be useful but stripers work if you have the right colors, and sorry for the length :)
 -A base and top coat
-Bright purple (We used Essie "Play Date")
-White (We used China glaze "White on White")
-Hot pink (We a used hot pink striperite)
-Neon yellow (We used China glaze "Sun Worshiper")
-Neon green (We used China glaze "In the Lime Light")
-Neon blue/teal color (We used China glaze "Turned Up Turquoise")
- Black (We used striperite for outlines the on the puke we filled in with a thin brush and OPI "Black Onyx")
-Rainbow glitter (We used Icing "Pre Game")
-bubble gum pink (We used Zoya "Jolene")
-Gold (We used OPI "Symphony in gold")
-White sparkles (We used China glaze "Techno")

1.  Apply a base coat and allow to dry.

2.  Paint your thumb and pinky white, and the rest of your fingers purple.
3.  We'll start with the easiest finger, the thumb and the pinky.  Using stripers or the colors and a thin brush apply stripes in neon rainbow order (Pink, orange, yellow, green, and blue/turquoise)Above is the finished product.
4.  Next the pointer finger with the unicorn horn shooting a white cloud of glitter.  We didn't take pictures of each step but we'll do our best to walk you through it.  First outline the horn and the cloud in the upper left hand corner.  As you'll see when we do the full unicorn face just cover the horn with goldand apply the white sparkles on the cloud.
5.  For the glitter puke on the middle finger first lay your base of black in one big blog and a few smaller blobs.
6.  Once the blobs have dried apply an even layer of glitter.  Depending on the the thickness of the glitter you may need two coats.
7.  Finally for the Unicorn!!!  Outline the unicorn in black polish. 
8.  Next fill in the outline with a white polish.  This is when you can perfect the outline and cover any mistakes.  Oh and don't forget to outline the mane.
9.  Fill in the unicorns features and fill in the mane with the bubble gum pink.  Also not pictured is covering the unicorn horn with gold, you can also add black lines to the horn to make it look more...uh...realistic...(?)
10.  Finish with a top coat and show off your unicorn puking sparkles!!!

Model-Hannah W.

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